Schoology Access codeThe code will be provided at the parent meeting prior to the class start date.
Course & State Requirements1. The fee for the class MUST be paid prior to the student attending class and a receipt presented to the instructor. If full payment is not made the student will not be permitted to enroll in the class. If individual circumstances prevent full payment prior to the course the parent must contact the teacher, otherwise the student will not be enrolled. A $50 NONREFUNDABLE portion will be retained if a student begins the class and then withdraws after the second class. A partial amount may be refunded if dropped after the second day, dependent on how much of the course has been completed. A student permit must be purchased again to attend a future class.
2. Permits will remain in the possession of the driver education program until a student has successfully completed the course and paid all fees. If a student fails any portion of the program the permit will be returned to the DMV for cancellation. If a student enrolls in the program and does not pay the fees the permit will be held until fees are paid. Students that enroll in the program, drop out, and then wish to transfer to a different program must pay all associated fees before the permit is returned to the DMV to be cancelled, before being allowed to renew the permit. 3. Students will receive a class schedule indicating the chapter(s) that will be covered on a given date. This enables students to pre-read the chapter and complete the chapter review prior to class. Bookwork is due PRIOR to class beginning. Students may retake any test given in class once and the retake score will be their new score. 4. As per state law, students shall be assessed in the following three areas: 1. Knowledge (classroom) - 80% is required by state law. 2. Skills (in car training) – A student that fails 2 or more drives will fail the program. 3. Attitude (This includes, but not limited to, cheating of any kind and behavior in class, car, and school.) A student who fails any one of these three areas shall fail the entire course, no refunds for failure of the course for any reason. Successful completion for the course is to earn a grade of 80% or higher in each of these three areas. This is not a cumulative grade. The student must pass each area with an 80% or higher. 5. Per state law, students are NOT allowed to engage in the following activities while enrolled in a driver education: 1. Drive outside of driver education. This applies to any motorized vehicle operated on any public roadway/easement. 2. Use a cell phone (personal electronic device) during instruction in car or in class. This includes any unapproved or inappropriate use of any digital device. Should the student do so, they will immediately be dropped from the class, the permit will be cancelled, no refunds available, and they will be required to re-enroll in a future course and be responsible to purchase a new permit and pay all course fees again. 6. The Drivers Education Core Program explain the basic rules of the road. A test will be given on each section. Students must pass these tests with an 80% or better in order to pass the course. 7. Students MUST attend the first class otherwise they will be dropped from the course. During the school year students can miss up to four (4) hours of class time and still have enough clock hours to comply with state law. Any student missing over four (4) hours will fail the course for lack of hours as required by law. Summer students must attend every class. The only exception to this rule is for illness, funeral etc. If this is the case the instructor will need an official note from a doctor to be placed on file. The driver education committee will then decide as to how the missing hours can be made up on an individual basis. 8. Students will be supervised by a parent while they change a tire, check the oil and perform a vehicle inspection on the automobile that they will be driving most frequently. 9. Students will ride with a licensed driver for a total of two (2) hours, observe, and record the traffic patterns around them. They will make a log of driving errors made by the others. They will not critique the driver they are with. 10. Students requiring adaptation, either in the classroom or in the car, must contact the teacher to inform them of the special needs. Instructors will make all reasonable accommodations to help the student be successful, but accommodations that put the public at risk cannot be made. 11. Students will be required to have an account to the Schoology Learning System. All tests, homework, and chapter work grades are maintained on this system so that students and parents will always have access to the current grade. No extension will be granted for book work as each assignment is outlined in the calendar and available for at least 5 days prior to the due date. 12. Students must maintain passing grades in their school classes, meet all attendance and behavior requirements for school to remain eligible to take the course. Should students violate any state, district, or school policy they can be removed from the course. 13. The Rigby driver education program follows the policies and procedures as outlined by the state driver education department. Class cancellations – If school is cancelled due to weather, driver education classes and drives will be cancelled for that day. Check Schoology for information about cancellations! |