Syllabus & expectations
Physical Science A – Chemistry Physical Science B – Physics
I. Scientific Method and Measurement I. Motion & Forces
II. Matter II. Newton’s Laws
III. Atoms III. Work
IV. Periodic Table & Elements IV. Energy
V. Chemical Reactions V. Electricity & Magnetism
Classroom rules:
Materials: You must have these!
Most assignments are done in class. There are some assignments that require students to do homework! YES, you will have homework. Many assignments will be done on the class set of iPads so if you need time to work on them outside of class Mr. Green will be available before school, during lunch, and after school.
YOU are responsible to get the work for days you miss. I will not find you and tell you what was covered. The best times to get missed work are before school and after school. Check the calendar on the class Schoology account. If you are absent during a lab/test/activity YOU need to make arrangements to complete it.
You will be required to have an account for the Schoology Learning System. This is an online learning tool that will be used to deliver information, take assessments and participate in discussions. All assignments, activities and lectures will be assigned, completed and graded entirely on this learning platform. Notifications, announcements and extra credit will be posted on the Schoology platform. All extra credit must be turned in via Schoology.
If you do not have internet access at home you will need to make arrangements to access it at school (before, after or lunch), local library or a friend or relative’s home. Mr. Green is usually available before school and has computers that students may use to access the information on Schoology.
The standard grading scale will be used. Late work will receive a 20% deduction of the value earned. Late work is anything handed in after the due date and until the end of the unit, the day of the unit test.
Value of each type of assignment
40% Science Skills: Points will be given for your demonstration of skills taught in class (Classwork assignments, Labs, etc.).
50% Assessments- Tests will be given over each main topic. Generally every 2-3 weeks.
10% Practice/Notebook - Points will be given based on completeness, neatness, and overall quality of work done.
100% Total
I. Scientific Method and Measurement I. Motion & Forces
II. Matter II. Newton’s Laws
III. Atoms III. Work
IV. Periodic Table & Elements IV. Energy
V. Chemical Reactions V. Electricity & Magnetism
- Be in class every day except for emergencies or illness.
- Come prepared for class every day.
- Observe all district, school and classroom rules.
- Participate and be active in all discussions, assignments and projects.
- Clean up after yourself!
Classroom rules:
- Listen when another person is speaking.
- Follow all directions the 1st time.
- Be in your seat ready to work before the bell rings.
- Stay on task until you are dismissed.
- No bathroom breaks! You need to use the passing period between classes to go to the bathroom.
- No Food or Drink. Water is OK
Materials: You must have these!
- Pencil or Pen
- Stylus
- Headphones or earbuds - Each student will have access to an iPad in class and will be required to listen to media individually.
Most assignments are done in class. There are some assignments that require students to do homework! YES, you will have homework. Many assignments will be done on the class set of iPads so if you need time to work on them outside of class Mr. Green will be available before school, during lunch, and after school.
YOU are responsible to get the work for days you miss. I will not find you and tell you what was covered. The best times to get missed work are before school and after school. Check the calendar on the class Schoology account. If you are absent during a lab/test/activity YOU need to make arrangements to complete it.
You will be required to have an account for the Schoology Learning System. This is an online learning tool that will be used to deliver information, take assessments and participate in discussions. All assignments, activities and lectures will be assigned, completed and graded entirely on this learning platform. Notifications, announcements and extra credit will be posted on the Schoology platform. All extra credit must be turned in via Schoology.
If you do not have internet access at home you will need to make arrangements to access it at school (before, after or lunch), local library or a friend or relative’s home. Mr. Green is usually available before school and has computers that students may use to access the information on Schoology.
The standard grading scale will be used. Late work will receive a 20% deduction of the value earned. Late work is anything handed in after the due date and until the end of the unit, the day of the unit test.
Value of each type of assignment
40% Science Skills: Points will be given for your demonstration of skills taught in class (Classwork assignments, Labs, etc.).
50% Assessments- Tests will be given over each main topic. Generally every 2-3 weeks.
10% Practice/Notebook - Points will be given based on completeness, neatness, and overall quality of work done.
100% Total